THE FEAST OF THE HOLY TRINITY 30th MAY Luca Rosetti da Orta, "The Holy Trinity" (1705-1770) Father Weiser tells us of the Feast of the Holy Trinity: The greatest dogma of the Christian faith is the mystery of the Holy Trinity. (Mystery in this connection, means a supernatural fact revealed by God which in itself transcends the natural power of human reasoning). During the first thousand years of Christianity there was no special feast celebrated in honour of this mystery, but, as Pope Alexander II (1073) declared, every day of the liturgical year was devoted to the honour and adoration of the Sacred Trinity.” Father Weiser observed that a Mass in honour specifically of the Holy Trinity was celebrated to counteract the Arian heresy, which was taken up by the ninth century by various bishops in the Frankish kingdoms on a special feast of the Holy Trinity which was usually set on the Sunday after Pentecost. Then in 1334 Pope John XXII accepted the festival into t...